The Warrior Princess
The project is named The Warrior Princesses. The main theme I want to show is to express girl power in the form of a collision between Chinese and Western cultures. Drawing on the costumes and patterns of the Eastern and Western palaces and the images of women in martial arts novels, I created three Warrior Princesses in the animation style. The three paintings use eye shadow, gold paint, and gold foil to add mystery and fairy. I hope in such a presentation of myths and legends, the audience can capture the beauty and grit of girls, no matter where they come from.
*The project was featured on Arts Thread's official Instagram account in March 2021.  
Warrior Princesses 2020
Warrior Princesses 2020
Warrior Princesses 2020
Warrior Princesses 2020
Warrior Princesses 2020
Warrior Princesses 2020
Signal Pieces
Please Live On 2018
Please Live On 2018
Guardian 2018
Guardian 2018
Mulan 2018
Mulan 2018
Boy with Flowers 2019
Boy with Flowers 2019
China meets US 2019
China meets US 2019
Story Inside The Clock 2018
Story Inside The Clock 2018
People Run for Their Lives 2018
People Run for Their Lives 2018
Impression of My High School 2018
Impression of My High School 2018
My Dear Cat I 2018
My Dear Cat I 2018
My Dear Cat II 2018
My Dear Cat II 2018
Red Sun 2020
Red Sun 2020
Red 2019
Red 2019
The Untamed 2019
The Untamed 2019
My first painting 2017
My first painting 2017
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